Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last Blog of 2011

I started this blog to share my thoughts, and as I sit here thinking about things I didn't say throughout the year I don't regret keeping some of the things to myself.  My intentions are to share thoughts and opinions, not start problems or have people criticize me for who I am.  But in doing so, I've neglected a portion of me - the portion that mostly doesn't give two craps about what other people think of me.  Lesson she goes...

5 things I wish I would have said or done in 2011: (brace yourself...I know I am)

1.) I wish I would have voiced my issues and concerns about my boss earlier.  It took a late night in the office after an emotional day of being part of the Zahra Baker Memorial Playground project for me to break down.  I sat there crying, stressing over getting designs back to the reps by the due dates when I realized that I was being stupid.  Stupid for not having the guts to just tell someone EVERYTHING that was on my mind.  Thankfully, I have an amazing friend and co-worker that I can talk to - and I did.  She listened, and that was all I needed.  Now, our work environment is a happy place, we get work done and our Team has never been more motivated to make 2012 the best year yet.

2.) I wish I would have said how I really felt about the whole Clemson vs South Carolina ridiculousness that occurred late November.  Seriously's a football game.  Yes, it's a big deal...but there's no need to bash people's faithfulness to a team just because you're an a-hole.  I don't comment on your Facebook statuses about your choices in what gives you the right to comment about mine.  So, next time you comment "Going to eat Mexican with my boys" I will say "Last time I checked, you were American - God Bless America".  If this makes no sense to probably haven't read My Blood Runneth Orange.  Read it.

3.) I wish I would have not impulsively purchased a guitar.  Seriously, my intentions were good...I needed a hobby, and I've always wanted to learn to play.  But, as you can tell from the lack of entries in 6 String Saga I have pretty much failed at teaching myself.  Totally fixable...take lessons.  BUT, I really could have used that $350 back in August.  Oh well...I guess I can use that for my New Year's Resolution.  Done.

4.) I wish I would have talked to a friend about her distance from me sooner.  I'm not going to get into details here, again, I have to keep some secrets.  But the Reader's Digest version goes a little like this: people told her lies about me saying things about her, she believed them, and she hated me.  I had no clue any of this was going on, so I just assumed she just didn't want to be my friend anymore.  Which sucks...'cause she's a pretty awesome chick and I really hate it when people don't like me...I'm pretty awesome myself.  After we finally talked, the air was cleared and I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me.  Sad thing is, I was so excited and happy that we had decided to start fresh that hearing the ridiculous things people were saying about me didn't even phase me.  And for those of you who had any part in this, know that I have much higher aspirations in life than becoming "an SAE girlfriend".  Seriously, get a life...get out of mine.

5.) I wish I would have the ability to be friends with my ex's.  A lot of my friends are still friends with their ex's...I just can't do it.  There's a reason I am not with them anymore.  There's also a reason why I'm not even friends with them on Facebook.  The only thing that sucks is that I hate being an a-hole and ignoring the requests to be their friends, not answering text messages, and avoiding them in public.  I've always believed that it's a lot easier to be nice to someone that to be mean.  Not that I'm being mean...I'm just not giving friendship and chance.  But running the opposite direction in the grocery store to avoid an ex is really ridiculous.  I guess I have another New Years Resolution...attempt to be friends with my ex's.

Of course these are not in any particular order...and I'm sure there's more.  It's hard to think of the things you regret over the period of an entire year.  BUT, on the upside - maybe these are the only things I really do regret over the past year...and in that case...5 aint too shabby!

I always love the beginning of the new year - it's a blank slate...not for life, but at least a chapter of it.  So, here's to the next chapter of my life.  I hope that you will view the beginning of the new year the same way, and live life to the fullest.  No regrets...and if you have them, keep track of them - make them you're resolution for the next year.

Merry Christmas Y'all! 

Love ya, mean it...