Happy June 1st y'all!
First off, Military May was a success - not as much of a success as I had hoped, but a success none the less. My Wounded Warrior Project page raised $75 thanks to my friends Molly, Erika, and Cobie! I had hoped for a $500 donation by the end of May, but in my eyes, $75 is better than nothing at all. I plan to keep the page open, so if you still wish to donate, please do! Here's the link again:
So it's June...time for a new resolution...
I was discussing my options for June yesterday with a co-worker and we came to the conclusion that there's really not many words that begin with "J" that you can correlate with June or a resolution for that matter. Then I threw out the idea of not eating Jelly Belly's for the entire month...she laughed - but she had no idea how big of a challenge this would be for me.
About 3 years ago I had a roommate who was working on her Masters in Nutrition at the time. She would come home in the evenings and very nonchalantly tell me how terrible the foods I was snacking on truly were. I stopped eating them and started snacking on "better" foods thanks to her advice.
One night we were watching the Bachelorette, drinking hot tea and making fun of the rediculousness of the people who were on TV to "find love". My roommate walked out of the room and came back with a HUGE bag of Jelly Belly's (Variety Pack of course). She offered me some (this obviously wasn't the first time I had them) and I hesitantly took a handful - was this a test?
NO, it wasn't a test - this girl freaking LOVED Jelly Belly's! And you know what?...If a dietician can snack on them - then they must be alright!
Hi my name is Lindsey and for the past three years I've been addicted to Jelly Belly's.
Lets put it this way - you could call me the worst names in the world and follow up with a 5lb bag of Jelly Belly's and I would forget everything that you had just said.
I buy the big variety bags and dump them out into Tupperware bowls and pick out the ones I want to eat. I know they sell them in bulk and you can get just the ones you like, but that's no fun! I typically end up with a bunch of green and all the blacks - licorice, yuck. Watermelon, Dr. Pepper and Tutti Fruity are devoured first, then Buttered Popcorn, Coconut and Oranges. Yes, there's a method to my madness.
On a typical week, I would say I eat about 4-5 handfuls of Jelly Belly's...so yes, not eating them this month is actually going to be a challenge.
I sat down last night and looked at the 1/2 full bag that my loving boyfriend just bought me for a road trip (ironically to Bluffton for my old roommate's wedding) and realized...I have to eat all of these before tomorrow...
Jelly Belly-ache. |
...I didn't make it thru them all - but you better believe I ate all the Watermelon, Dr. Pepper and Tutti Fruity ones! There's still a 1/4 of them left...in which I will stuff in my face hole on July 1st.
So there it is, folks - no Jelly Belly June.
Cheers y'all!