Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm a 90's Kid...

...and while my attire during that decade may have been questionable, the things that bring me back to the innocence of childhood are not.

I don't know if it's because my birthday is coming up, or my 10 year high school reunion, or the fact that like 60% of my friends are preggers right now...but I've been really nostalgic lately.

Granted, Pintrest has me viewing things that I remember from childhood, so that may be why I'm all of a sudden craving Shrinky Dinks.

So, in honor of the 80's and 90's, I have decided to add a blog section - Nostalgia.  Let's take a trip back in time, when t-shirts were cinched with plastic loops, Ked's were cool, and scrunchies were a fashion statement (even when worn on the wrist).


  1. A sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
  2. The evocation of these feelings or tendencies, esp. in commercialized form.

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