Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Brother - Week 2 - Nominations

Well, 2 Newbies switched sides and everyone is freaking out about it!  Adam, Dominick, and Cassi are the ones most people think switched sides.  Seriously?  Those are the three (+ Lawon) who actually voted for Keith to stay!  Shelley and Kahlia better not get away with this!

Shelley tells Adam that he needs to make a deal with the Veterans to keep him in the house - she mostly does this because Adam was so upset about two people switching and Shelley was one of them.
Adam and Dominick decide that they no longer want to play as a team and start playing solo.  Adam's strategy is to talk to Jordan and Jeff - Dominick's strategy is to flirt with Danielle.  I think there may be a showmance starting here?

Have - Have Not competition is held and the HG's have to put ant suits on and crawl/walk thru a giant picnic area to retrieve huge "crumbs".  Brendan and Rachel of course win, and they choose Adam and Dominick and Shelley and Cassi to be Have Not's for the week.  BUT, before they choose the teams to be have not's, Kahlia plays drama queen and gets the medic out to cut her out of the ant costume with Lawon.  In my opinion, her tears and "pain" got her out of being a Have Not.  Just saying.  The Have Not's get Jerky and Jelly Beans in addition to Slop for the week.  I love jelly beans (Jelly Belly only though) and I'm not hating on jerky - I could make it!

Dominick and Cassi both go to Jordan to make deals.  And I'm happy to report, I love Cassi even more - home girl is rocking a Clemson sweatshirt!
At the nomination ceremony, Jordan nominates Adam and Dominick to be evicted.

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