Thursday, September 29, 2011


Ok, so I've been a bad blogger.  But my excuse is valid...nothing has happened worth blogging about.  Until yesterday.

My day started out fine.  Typical Wednesday full of designing playgrounds and answering phone calls coming into the office.

First FML of it was just Andrea and I in the office to answer the phones until noon when Cathy got back from taking her munchkins to the doctor.  I swear, it's like people know when we are short handed.  The phone NEVER stopped ringing.  To put this in perspective - there's usually at least 4 of us in the office to answer the phone during the there's 2.

Second FML of Wednesday...I forgot my lunch - So I dined on an emergency pack of Ramen noodles that's been in my desk for God knows how long.  Then I felt like a water balloon - sodium overload.

Third FML of Wednesday...I had a bid sitting in front of me 75 pages long that was due Friday by 3pm.  After spending the entire day reading and re-reading, printing out design and spec information, and probably signing my first born child away - I finally finished!  I packed it up in a UPS Express box in a hurry - just so I wouldn't start thinking about what I may have missed and set the UPS "pick up" sign outside the office.  Yea, UPS never came.  SO, I had to drive to the local UPS store and drop it off - making my trip home even longer.

Break from FML's...I decided at this point that I wasn't cooking shit for dinner, and I was in desperate need of something with alcohol in it.  So I stopped by the food store on the way home.  I had no clue what I was plan...just. need. alcohol.

First stop - Wine.  Then I said to myself "self, you deserve brownies...they'll be delicious with your wine!"  So I grabbed the most ridiculous box of brownie mix I could find and tossed it in the basket.

Then, I realized that I couldn't just eat brownies and wine for dinner so I headed straight for the frozen pizzas.  Margherita pizza...yummm.

Then, I was distracted by the beers on the way out.  Again, "Self, you should get some beers, just in case".  So I grabbed a 6'er of Stella (mi favorito!)

$27.00 later, I had this...
F*#k yea.

So, I posted this on Facebook and then started putting things away...including the dishes from the last couple of days.

Fourth FML of Wednesday...I washed out my Crock Pot I had made some delicious boiled peanuts in and was going to set the ceramic part back into the cooker and BOOM...
Oh F*#k.
At this point, I screamed the longest and loudest f-bomb in my life and threw my hands up asking God "why!?!?!".  After realizing that he was surely not going to answer me after what I had just said, I grabbed two beers and sat on my patio until I finished both of them.

Great, now I've got a buzz, a broken Crock Pot, a frozen pizza that's not going to cook itself and a box of brownies that I couldn't wait to devour.

5 Beers, the ENTIRE pizza, one brownie later - I fell asleep at 8:45.

In honor of my FML Wednesday, I'm going shopping tonight to make me feel better.  And maybe I'll open that bottle of wine...

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