Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Brother - Week 8 - Nominations and POV

Kahlia is super mad that Porsche chose to open Pandora's Box (giggle) but then is totally fine when she finds out that she gets $5K as well.

At the nomination ceremony, Porsche nominates Jordan and Rachel - hoping that Rachel is the target for the week.

Rachel tells Jordan 875,374 times that they "Need to win the Veto"...we get shut the hell up.

At the Veto competition, the house guests must hang from dummies for as long as they can.  Adam loses yet another competition and falls first.  Jordan, Shelley,  and Porsche fall.  Its down to Kahlia and Rachel.  In the end, Rachel hangs on the longest and wins the POV for her and Jordan.

Now it looks like Shelley is the target.

Shelley goes to Jordan to clear the air - she knows she's probably going home and doesn't want to have Jordan mad at her after she leaves.  Jordan forgives, but says she doesn't forget.

Shelley offers herself to Jordan and Rachel - to stay in the house, let them win the competitions, and do nothing but help them get to the top.  WTF?  Shelley are you on crack?

The Veto cereomony is a joke...obviously Adam and Shelley are the replacement nominees.

I hope pre-season football doesn't ruin my BB tonight!  I can't wait to see how Danielle, Brendan and Jeff are getting along!  Haha!

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