Friday, March 23, 2012

It's Official...

...I'm moving back to the Chuck!!!

I've been holding this in since Wednesday but can't hold back any longer without sharing my news - so here it is.

Back in January, I brought up a teleworking (working from home) idea to my company.  After a couple of months, I finally got my chance to create a teleworking proposal and present it to my new manager and the president of our company.  

I spent an entire weekend creating a 10 page proposal of information from concerns and benefits, costs, and a detailed timeline for this proposal.  I presented it to the decision makers and after several hours of discussion, they agreed to a trial period to see if the move will in fact benefit the agency.

I've said this before, but I have to reiterate it, I work for some of the most compassionate and trusting people I know.  I love my job, and I love Charleston - and they're giving me an opportunity of a lifetime to combine the two things I love the most.  I cannot be more excited and thankful for having the support from them in following what my heart tells me is the place I need to be.  I'm truly blessed, and this is the happiest I have been in a long time.

So...if everything goes as planned (fingers crossed) I'll be back in the Lowcountry by July!

I'm currently working with an amazing realtor in Mt. Pleasant - yep, I'm going to buy a house!  I've wanted to do this for so long, but couldn't mentally make myself do it in the place I currently live.  I know the Lowcountry is where I belong, so I'm going to plant myself there.

This is a HUGE life changing move for me - and I'm beyond excited to be back in the place I love the most with the people that keep me going - my family.  I will miss my friends in the Charlotte area, but I bet y'all won't mind having a place to stay by the coast! :)

And so begins the next chapter of this girl's life...I'm moving back bi&#hes!

Cheers Y'all!

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