Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Artistic April = Success.

So far, this whole one resolution a month thing is going really well.  It's a lot easier to set a short term goal and achieve it than it is to drag out one thing all year long.

April was an extremely uplifting month for me - so many good things are happening and I'm so very blessed!

I may have fallen short on some of the Twitter stuff - but the Artistic April paintings were a total success.

First painting was inspired by a painting I did on a girls night out at Painting with a Twist in Charlotte.  As soon as my brush hit the canvas, I was back to my artsy- fartsy self and knew exactly who this one was going to be for.  One of my best friends, was getting married this month (this past Saturday to be exact) and the colors and feeling the painting took on reminded me of her spirit and love for the water.  I even threw in a pelican on the pylon - her favorite.
stacy's sunset

The second painting was inspired by an artist I found online - call it copying, call it inspiration.  While I was painting this one, the colors and whimsical landscape made me think of my aunt - who ironically had a birthday that week! 
spring landscape

The third painting isn't going anywhere - I love this one.  Also inspired by an artichoke painting by an artist on "the interweb", I threw in my own colors and BOOM!

The last painting was done on the LAST day of April.  My cousin "hinted" that my God son would love to have a fish for his room - and what that little man wants, Aunt Lindsey does!
will's "bish"

I would have painted a lot more this past month, but this is what I was working with:
need studio space NOW!

Needless to say, the new house WILL have a studio in the garage!

Cheers Yall!

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