Friday, July 8, 2011

Big Brother - Premiere

Yay!  Big Brother is back!!!  Most people can't get into this show because it can be a little confusing.  There's twists, game strategies, and alliances that really keep it interesting week to week.  If you don't already watch Big Brother, you should - it's what cool people do.

Here's the house guests:

Dominic:  He lives at home with his mommy.

Cassi: model and self confessed tom boy - my personal fave!

Keith: a youth minister

Shelly: the outdoors(wo)man

Kalia: a relationship blogger (wait, you can make a living off this?!?)

Porsche: a VIP cocktail waitress

Lawon: a flamboyant legal file clerk

Adam: a music inventory manager (WTF is that?) who likes yelling and 90201.

As always, BB throws a curve ball at the 8 house guests that are slowly figuring out that there's 12 place settings at the table, 10 beds and 8 of them.  But before BB stirs the pot, the group introduces themselves and what they do for a living.  Keith tells the group that he and his brother run a matchmaking business (even though he's a minister).  Porsche tells everyone she's a student, but we all know she's probably dumb as a stump.  And keeping with the trend, Cassi tells everyone she's also a student because she thinks if they know she's a model they may think differently of her.  True.

Curve ball #1: BB tells the house guests that they must partner up and play as a team.  Winner of HOH competition saves both members of the duo from eviction, but duos are nominated together for eviction.  The duos are: Keith and Porsche, Shelly and Cassi, Dominic and Adam, & Kalia and Lawon.

Curve ball #2: BB announces that they have some other house guests to play with.  Three doorbell rings later, Brendan and Rachel, Jeff and Jordan, and Evil Dick and Danielle enter the game.

LOVE Jeff and Jordan!  They were an awesome couple and Jordan actually won her season of Big Brother (with the help of Jeff of course!)  I have to admit, I did not watch the season with Evil Dick - but what I can tell, he doesn't go by Evil Dick for no reason.  He and his daughter haven't spoken in 3 years, and now they're paired up as a team?!?  I think it's strategy - I think they're totally fine and playing it off to make it look like they're a weak team.  And of course Brendan and Rachel...barf.  These two gross me out beyond words.  Rachel is the most annoying person I have ever had to listen to - and that's saying a lot.  Apparently they're engaged now - gross, I hope they don't reproduce!

The first HOH (Head of Household) competition has the house guests hanging onto giant bananas in pairs.  They fall one by one: Shelley, Jordan, Keith, Cassi, Lawon, Adam, Jeff, Dominic, Brendan, Kalia, & Porsche.  Leaving Rachel, Dick and Danielle hanging on.  Rachel makes a deal with Dick and Danielle to keep them safe from eviction if they let go.  Dick immediately takes her up on the offer and Danielle is a little hesitant - but she too takes the fall.  Great, Rachel is HOH.

Curve Ball #3: So, teams are nominated for eviction - meaning if Dominic and Adam go on the "block", one of them goes home - leaving someone without a partner.  Oh, BB how you amaze me with your twists: NOW if you survive the block and your partner gets evicted, you get a GOLDEN KEY!  This key protects you and guarantees you a space in the top 10.  BUT, the golden key holders will not participate in HOH or Veto challenges from what I understand.
This is going to be a really good season!  With veterans who know how to play the game and rookies who may have different strategies - anything can happen!

Sunday night is nominations - I'm thinking she's going to go for the easiest ones to knock out: Porsche and Keith.

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