Friday, July 29, 2011

Big Brother - Week 3 - Eviction

Well, I asked for drama, and I got it!

Danielle tells Rachel and Brendan that if Dominick goes home she’s going to be pissed.  She tells them that he’s her partner in this game since her father left and to send him home would be like sending one of the pair’s significant others home.

Kahlia continues to lie and tells Jordan that she didn’t know that there was a plan to backdoor her and Jeff this past week.  Apparently Jeff and Jordan are really interested in finding out who was the mastermind behind the plot to backdoor them.  Jeff asks Dominick who the culprit was, and he lies and says he doesn’t know – it was Danielle, by the way.

Now that Dominick knows he’s probably going home this week, he does some damage control with Brendan, Jeff and Rachel.  Dominick tells Jeff that he was not the mastermind behind the plan to backdoor him in front of Brendan and Brendan confirms that Dominick never came up with the idea.  Everyone now knows that it was Danielle’s idea.

Kahlia goes to Brendan and confronts him about how the Veterans haven’t been talking to her.  Brendan blames her for the lack of communication because he says she’s playing both sides of the house.  Brendan then uses the “floater” word again and Kahlia is pissed.  And we get this amazing camera angle…haha!

Jordan calls a house meeting and everyone meets in the Kitchen area.  Everyone is blaming Kahlia for playing both sides of the house and she defends herself and says she’s playing HER game.  The “meeting” gets pretty heated when Jeff calls Danielle out about planning the backdooring of he and Jordan – and all the veterans jump on the Jeff Ship and turn on Danielle.  Danielle fights back – and I didn’t expect her to back down at all!  Everyone has something to say in the argument – except for Shelley and Lawon…I think Adam was sleeping.

At the live eviction, Dominick’s speech pretty much ruins every chance he had at staying in the house when he calls most of the house guests “spineless jellyfish”.  Danielle is the only one who votes to evict Adam and says that she’s not scared to go against the “King and Queen” of the house…let’s face it, she’s the target anyway – doesn’t matter if she went with the house or not!

Dominick is evicted and leaves the BB house.  The farewell tape from Jeff and Jordan was hilarious – Jordan mocks Rachel and says “ain’t nobody going to get in between me and my man!”  Haha!  I hope Rachel gets to see that!

Julie lets the HG’s know that they are all playing as individuals now and that the twists are far from being over!

The HOH competition starts in the backyard and it’s an endurance challenge.  There’s a huge wall that looks like a mountain with skis coming out of it.  The houseguests must hold onto their ski “poles” (basically handles coming out of the wall) and hold on for as long as they can while the skis at the bottom rock back and forth.  As they fall, the first 5 must pick up one of 5 snowballs from a table and open it.  One contains $10,000…the others may contain something bad!  The mountain’s “slope” continues to lean forward and snow starts to fall.  And, we have no idea who wins until Sunday.  Well, actually, I know who wins HOH thanks to Morty's TV live feeds.  Yea, yea…it’s cheating…but I couldn’t help it!  I can’t wait until Sunday to find out what’s going on!!!  Now BB is finally getting interesting!

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