Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big Brother - Week 1 - Nominations

It's nomination time, and as usual, Rachel is depending on everyone else in the house to tell her what to do.  Rachel's voice is annoying...but I have noticed something - her voice in the diary room is TOTALLY different than when she's just talking normally.  Just another fake thing about Rachel that I dislike greatly.  Speaking of fake - Rachel and Brendan were in the HOH room discussing Botox and other work Rachel wants done...umm, isn't it a little late to be talking about that?  Geez!  Brendan tells her that he loves her body just the way it is (read: I love your fake ass boobies).

Ok, back to the game.  Lawon, Dominic and Keith form an alliance and want to bring Cassi into it.  Time for the dumb alliance name game: "The Regulators".  The Veterans recruit Porsche into their alliance and then dumb-dumb goes and tells her partner, Keith, about it.  She won't last long - this game is about secrecy and strategy...and apparently she has neither.

The Have/Have Not competition starts and apparently there's cows in space.  The HG's have to go to a giant pool of milk and fill up their cow suits then run back to their landing pads where another team member "milks" them.  Seeing the "milkers" ride the "cows" is weird, and borders the censorship line for me.  In the end, Kahlia, Lawon, Cassi and Shelley are the Have Not's for the week.  The have not room looks like an insane asylum, and may end up being just that - apparently they are not allowed to turn the lights off in the room - ever!

The Newbies are a crumbling alliance and they all start to realize that they have a better chance pairing up with the veterans.  Adam is recruited to the veterans, which now gives them the numbers they need to run the voting.

Porsche and Keith are nominated by Rachel.  The Regulator's plan is to backdoor Porsche - but the Veterans plan is to get rid of Keith.  Should be an interesting POV and eviction week!

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