Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Brother - Week 2 - Eviction

Cassi and Shelley are on the block, and being the southern gals that they are, they don't want to campaign against each other.  It doesn't really matter anyway, everyone is gunning to get Cassi out this week - campaigning at this point is a waste of energy and time!  Shelley feels bad that Cassi is going home and that she has lied to her about her alliance with the Veterans.  That would suck a little...not gonna lie.

Jordan kind of regrets her decision to put them on the block and not knock off Brenchel. If I was her, I would have put them up on the block without even hesitating!  BB is all about game changers, and if it's down to you and one other person on the last night in the house - the jury will vote based on who played the game the best and made the biggest moves.

Cassi confronts Rachel - at this point, what do you have to lose anyway - and asks her why she doesn't like her or what she did to make her go after her this week.  Rachel babbles and calls Cassi a liar - which is totally untrue.  Cassi fights back and calls Rachel a caddy girl and an ugly person inside!  YAY! I think Rachel was just trying to find reasons not to like Cassi!

When Cassi confronts Brendan he acts just as caddy and immature as Rachel - they're obviously meant to be!  I just don't understand why Rachel and Brendan hated her so much!  She tried to make a deal with them and stuck to it - it was Brendan and Rachel that lied to Cassi and Shelley!

Any who...onto voting.  By a vote of 9 to 0, Cassi leaves the house.  Sad stuff, but what makes this awesome is that even though Rachel got her way, while the live feed was still running, Rachel's mic was still on and she was peeing!  hahahaha!  Classic.

HOH Competition was based on questions from BB online asking which house guest would you rather, would be more likely, etc. The order of stupidity goes: Kahlia, Jeff, Adam, Lawon, Dominick, Brendan and F.M.L. Rachel is the HOH again.

Several of my friends have now sworn off BB, and refuse to watch anymore.  I cannot stand Rachel, but I have faith that Jordan will win again.  I just hope someone other than Brenchel wins BB this year, otherwise I'm quitting too.

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