Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Brother - Week 3 - POV

I'm really starting to get sick of knowing exactly who's going home each week.  The Veterans are really ruining the suspense as they run the house!  I need someone to make a big move and start some drama!

So, after nominations, Adam and Dominick both think they're up as pawns - because they both made deals with Brenchel.  Rachel goes to Adam and Dominick to make a deal but Dominick tells her no - not until after the POV because they both want to fight for their lives.

In other news, Brendan's knees still look really gross!  What could be grosser?  Umm, well Brendan and Rachel taking a bath together pretty much tops his knee scabs.  Rachel's boob keeps popping out of her bathingsuit and adds to the tub full of annoying and trash.

Brendan tells Dominick to throw the Veto and that they will save him and possibly backdoor Jeff and Jordan.

Jeff notices that Dominick and Danielle are hanging out a lot - and it irritates him because Danielle knew how much Jeff wanted to get Dominick out of the house last week.   Danielle slowly reveals her sneakiness and, in my opinion, her ability to play the game really well from both sides of the house.

VETO Competition:  Players are Jeff and Jordan, Rachel and Brendan, and the nominees - Adam and Dominick.  If you're a BB fan, you'll remember Jeff's ridiculous spelling fail in his season on BB where he spelled "Technotronics" in the Veto competition.  Well, he's back for a redemption with this Veto competition.  There's a huge lady in a bath tub in the BY and the HG's must "pluck" giant hairs off her legs - yuck - with letters on the bottoms of them to spell the longest word they can.  Jordan spells "little".  Dominic spells "standings" (umm, aren't you supposed to be throwing this Veto?).  Rachel fails miserably spelling "mouisturizing"...what a moron.  Adam spells "fractions".  Jeff spells "expresses".  And of course Brendan takes the Veto by spelling "understanding".

Shelly tells Jordan about her conversation with Dominick from the night before and that Dominick wants to take out Jeff so that he can play with Shelley and Jordan.  Jordan goes straight to Brendan and Rachel to tell them about the plan that Dominick has in mind.  Now, the Veterans are realizing that Danielle is pretty much the mastermind behind all of Dominick's antics.  Jeff and Brendan decide that after Dominick is out this week, they will go after Danielle.

So, in summary - Danielle campaigned to keep Dominick in the house and backdoor Jeff and Jordan.  Meanwhile, Dominick reveals that he wants to go after Jeff and start a new alliance with Shelley and Jordan (you really think she's going to play with you after you send her boo home?).  Dominick made a deal with Rachel to throw the Veto and that he would be safe in return...but since Danielle revealed her cards too soon in the game, so to speak, she basically threw herself and Dominick under the bus.

Brendan doesn't use the POV...duh.  I suppose we will send Dominick home on Thursday.

Thank goodness this is the last Golden Key in BB13...Thursday night everyone will play for HOH.  Finally - a chance for Danielle, Porsche, and Shelley to DO something in the house instead of just voting for whoever Rachel tells them to!

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